Hi there, I'm Isaac!
A highly motivated full stack developer with expertise in web applications & game systems. Successfully tackled a diverse range of projects, from online gameplay experiences to responsive web applications and restful APIs. Started writing code at the age of 13, I’m self-taught and driven by a passion of writing clean code & making things happen.

ASP.NET MVC - C# - React - TailwindCSS - MySQL
An online marketplace social platform designed for indie developers to publish their games and share updates on their development progress.

ASP.NET MVC - C# - React - TailwindCSS - MySQL
A minimalistic industry-ready task management web-application made with ASP.NET & React.

ASP.NET MVC - C# - TailwindCSS - PostgreSQL
An ASP.NET real-time chat web application.

ASP.NET MVC - C# - Bootstrap - MySQL
A blogging web-app developed with ASP.NET.

ExpressJS Authenitcation
ExpressJS - MySQL - CSS
Login/Register/And Password Reset into one Repository.

World of Warcraft Gameplay Features
Unity - C# - Fishnet
World of Warcraft core gameplay features written in C# using Unity & FishNet.

Networked 2D Inventory
Unity - C# - Fishnet
A fully networked & optimized 2 dimensional inventory system.

And more...
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